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Mr. Parrish's BLOGS

Election 2016

I will post information regarding the candidates up until election night and beyond. This blog is bipartisan and objective.

Not Another History Story

I will use this blog to keep track of stories of interest. We will try to discuss as many as possible during class. However, due to time constraints, I may simply direct you to this blog for reference.

My Favorite People and Why 

I will use this blog to keep track of people of interest. We will try to discuss as many as possible during class. However, due to time constraints, I may simply direct you to this blog for reference.

My Favorite Book List

I will use this blog to keep track of books of interest. We will try to discuss as many as possible during class. However, due to time constraints, I may simply direct you to this blog for reference.

Political Discussion at MCHS

These topics are challenging, but fun. Click on a photo to read the post. 

Problem Topics in US History

I will use this blog to clarify topics that my students of US History often find difficult. I will continue to add topics to this blog. Students, please let me know if there is a topic that you want added to this blog, for clarity purposes.

My Eco Blog

A few of my articles on environmental protection issues.



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