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Text-to-Speech via Natural Reader - For Your Papers

I - MACBETH by William Shakespeare

Translation to modern English (full book)

A short overview of Macbeth

An analysis of Macbeth

Characters List in Macbeth

Essential Questions in Macbeth

Macbeth Sparknotes

Sample Student Paper

Macbeth Paper Rubric (From Mrs. Habte)

Video Summary of Macbeth Book (Act 1)

Video Summary of Macbeth Book (Act 2)

Video Summary of Macbeth Book (Act 3)

Video Summary of Macbeth Book (Act 4)

Video Summary of Macbeth Book (Act 5)

Entire Macbeth Book with Each Line Numbered Find the Act that you want to see on Page Two, then click on the scene in red to go directly to that scene.

PADLET 3-13-23

II - THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe

Summary of Life and Career of Chinua Achebe

Name - Listen: CLICK HERE

From Wikipedia:

His first novel and magnum opus, Things Fall Apart (1958), occupies a pivotal place in African literature and remains the most widely studied, translated, and read African novel. Along with Things Fall Apart, his No Longer at Ease (1960) and Arrow of God (1964) complete the so-called "African Trilogy"; later novels include A Man of the People (1966) and Anthills of the Savannah (1987). He is often referred to as the "Father of African Literature," although he vigorously rejected the characterization.

Born in Ogidi, British Nigeria, Achebe's childhood was influenced by both Igbo traditional culture (an ethnic group in Nigeria) and postcolonial Christianity. He excelled in school and attended what is now the University of Ibadan, where he became fiercely critical of how European literature depicted Africa. Moving to Lagos after graduation, he worked for the Nigerian Broadcasting Service (NBS) and garnered international attention for his 1958 novel Things Fall Apart. In less than 10 years he would publish four further novels through the publisher Heinemann, with whom he began the Heinemann African Writers Series and galvanized the careers of African writers, such as Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o and Flora Nwapa.

Achebe sought to escape the colonial perspective that framed African literature at the time, and drew from the traditions of the Igbo people, Christian influences, and the clash of Western and African values to create a uniquely African voice. He wrote in and defended the use of English, describing it as a means to reach a broad audience, particularly readers of colonial nations.

His father, Isaiah Okafo Achebe, was a teacher and evangelist, and his mother, Janet Anaenechi Iloegbunam, was the daughter of a blacksmith from Awka, a leader among church women, and a vegetable farmer.

His parents were converts to the Protestant Church Mission Society (CMS) in Nigeria.

Chinua Achebe in 1957

Summary and Analysis (13:06)

Plot Summary (3:50 minutes)

CLICK HERE for Play List of All Chapter Summary Videos.



Grade Sheet


I have deleted the Vocab and Note Sheets for later chapters